Using your birthday and the name given to you at birth, I read the coordinates of your soul. The universe is all numbers (the Flower of Life). Every human has their perfect set of mathematical coordinates, that when clicked in, resonate at that human’s perfect vibration (energy). Each person is a fractal of the God vibration. This is what I “read” when I give an Original Blueprint reading (numerology). These sessions have the potential to open you to your True nature. This is freedom. This is peace. This is love. This is joy.
Each human carries the power for regeneration/healing/wholing of their cells/bodies as well as their emotions and thoughts. We do this through the light we are made of, which is life force. Something needs to direct/give intention to the life force (light). We can do this from within ourselves once we have disabled the belief in the disease, decay and death paradigm and have enabled the truth/light/love paradigm. This is what’s possible.
I have 30, 60, and 90 minute sessions available. Go HERE to schedule. To purchase a YOB Session as a gift, go HERE.
If you would like me to provide Original Blueprint Readings for your team or group, contact me and I will provide you with a quote.