It’s Your Life - What Do You Want!? Experience

Asking yourself what you really want is radical. I got to do this nearly 20 years ago during a workshop and at first was like, what do you mean what do I want?? I later understood I was living unconsciously according to what I thought I wanted. I was compelled to create an experience centered on this. I conducted my first session in 2012 and continue until this day.

Even when we become conscious of our thoughts, most humans live through the reality of their Conscious Mind - the part of Self that is already known.

In the It’s Your Life - What Do You Want Experience, I invite you to open to the pure potential of your Sub-Conscious Mind, the part of Self that is the bridge to what is not yet known and all that is possible. I have designed the entire experience for you to open to YOU and to bring into clearer view the vision that you desire for yourself, your life, your relationships, project, organization, community, the world.

I offer a deeply unique and connected experience that ultimately entails painting your vision (what you want!) on canvas. Contact me here to schedule and/or discuss.